凉音 > 其他类型 > 花滑夺冠之路 > 第四十章 女单短节目2

第四十章 女单短节目2(1 / 2)






“jiang jiahe&39;s short progra sre is 9787, with a technical sre of 5752 and an artistic sre of 4035, currently rankg first”






【记者a】how do you feel about the perforance of today&39;s short progra?



【翻译人员】i thk y overall perforance today should be ite good

【记者b】how is the selection of ic for the short section detered?



【翻译人员】i chose it tother with the achg staff, and i decided that this ng was ore suitable

【记者c】will there be any further chans to the progra nfiguration for the upg free skate petition?



【翻译人员】this will not be chand at the ont, but it still depends on the stat of the day before the fal decision can be ade whether to chan this nfiguration

【记者d】what do you thk is the probability of you ng the gold dal now?



【翻译人员】it&39;s hard to say, becae y predecesrs are all very talented, and i will do y best to pete for the gold dal

【记者e】after the ter olypics, will you participate the world chapionships?



【翻译人员】if there is a chance to participate the world chapionships, then i will defitely go

【记者a】i&39; gd you&39;re here for our terview i wish you good results the upg free skate petition



【翻译人员】thank you all



最新小说: 苟在宗门御兽长生 抄家流放?亲妈金手指已到账 开局95公牛,乔丹的一生之敌! 斗罗:抢唐三气运就变强! 足坛第一瘤子 重生年代:从知青下乡开始躺赢 我就混一混,怎么就成世界第一了 英雄无敌之我不想争霸 华娱:从03年开始做导演 霹雳之演员的自我修养